Disruption center stage at Business Travel Show 2017

Written by Glenn Haussman for LodgIQ.

In London last week, the Business Travel Show became the focal point of the travel buyer community. The event featured more than 2,000 attendees, each of whom are charged with travel purchasing decisions for the road warriors within their respective companies.

As LodgIQ is a company dedicated to helping hoteliers reinvent revenue management we need to understand all aspects of the industry. So, we are glad we had the chance to get an insider’s look at this major issue concerning what corporate travel buyers are looking for.

One major issue up for discussion during the entire event was the notion of disruption; how new technologies are upending everything previously understood about the travel industry.

Johnny Thorsen, senior director of SAP Mobile Services, said: “It’s hard to keep up with new technology. It’s important for buyers to think about [because] it doesn’t work just to say ‘let’s look at it in two years’ time’ because you will miss out on so many opportunities,” he said.

Another disruption occurring for travel buyers is the need to deliver more personalized travel experiences for it employee customers. It’s a way to keep employees engaged and happy, said former Astra Zeneca travel buyer Caroline Strachan, which is now a managing partner with Festive Road, a consultancy.

“Those that step up and realize the opportunity will be the initial winners, the travel manager has to make that happen,” said Strachan.

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