Forecast IQ


Maximize Your Hotel’s Profitability with Accurate Forecasts

ForecastIQ analyzes trends, buying habits, market dynamics, and “willingness to pay” in real-time to help you optimize your commercial strategies.

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Trusted by 550+ commercial teams at leading hotel brands

Get up-to-date insights

Make timely decisions and adapt your strategies and to stay ahead in your dynamic and competitive market. ForecastIQ delivers daily updates with the latest consumer behavior and demand patterns.

Forecast based on segments

View expected demand, revenue, and occupancy in aggregate and by segment. Segmented forecasts breaks down results by government, opaque, FIT, consortia, group, and more.

26%increase in revenue

With LodgIQ, my hotel had an 26% increase in revenue in the first year

Hotel Union Square

See what LodgIQ’s commercial strategy platform can do for you

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